
03-30 来源:文章阅读网 作者:网络整理 阅读:445







6.我爱你,妈妈。” --利兹  

“我爱你,爸爸,你是我遇到的最有趣的人。”“爸爸,我要上学,我必须要去。” --利兹

7.“修10门课,用2年读完,这不太可能,你会把自己累死的。” “不,这才是活着。” --利兹  

8.“利兹,像我们这样的人,是不可能成功的,更不可能进哈佛。” “我会的。” --利兹

9.我很聪明,我可以改变我现在的生活,改变我的一生。我需要的只是这个机会。我为什么要觉得可怜,这就是我的生活。我甚至要感谢它,它让我在任何情况下都必须往前走。我没有退路,我只能不停地努力向前走。我为什么不能做到?” 我爱我的妈妈,自始至终,自始至终,尽管她吸毒尽管她没有照顾女儿,而一直是我在照顾她,好像她变成了我的孩子。  






14."要是我更加努力呢?""那需要努力,但并非不可能,"( 那个老师讲给丽兹听的)  












1 people die, flower Xie, seemingly valuable things in fact meaningless. Finally leave is an image, a blurry image, for our memories.

2 she live in my heart, I can not stand in this world, I helpless. A sixteen year old man only eight grade level, you will follow a downward spiral into a worse place. You broke every road, rejected every opportunity, you make all had people who trust you are disappointed.

3 at that moment, I understand, I had to make a choice. I can find excuses to bow to the life, can also forced myself to create a better life.

4 why is not my kind of people, they have what special place, because they are born? I try to work hard, do not let myself to the bottom of the society, if, if I work harder? I'm from the film very close, at your fingertips.

5 I always love my mother, no matter when and where, I have always loved her, and sometimes she have forgotten, but I've always loved her, from first to last, from first to last on. She live in my heart, I can not stand, I am helpless.

6 I love you, mom." -- Liz

"I love you, Dad, you are the most interesting person I met." "Dad, I want to go to school, I have to go." -- Liz

7 "taking 10 courses, with 2 years, which is unlikely, would you work yourself to death." "No, it is alive." -- Liz

8 "Liz, people like us, is not likely to be successful, are less likely to get into harvard." "I will." -- Liz

9 I am very smart, I can change my life, change my life. I just need a chance. Why should I feel sorry, this is my life. I even like to thank it, it let me 

in any case must go forward. I do not retreat, I can only keep efforts to move forward. Why can't I do that?" I love my mother, from first to last, from first to last, although her drug although she did not care for her daughter, and I always take care of her, as if she was my child.

10 even if you are the worst mother in the world, even in the eyes of the world you are everyone's afraid of addicts, mom, I still love you so much. If possible, I am willing to give up everything I can get my family intact. The world is nothing, we live in each other's heart. She lives in my heart, but I have no place!

Gets up at 

11 every day, every person in the world I see, are clothed with a layer of membrane, cannot penetrate. This kind of feeling is very strange, a little sad, but no way to change. These people act, why so different? Is it right? Because, they come to the world is so different? If so, then I should work harder, harder, I push yourself to the world. Www.lizhidaren.com

12.The  home is the mother.

13, the world is turning, but you're just a grain of dust, even if you disappear, the world is still in the rotation.

14 "if I work harder?" "the need to work hard, but not impossible," (the teacher to tell Liz)

15 "if I fling caution to the winds to play every bit of potential to do what?" "I have to do, I have no choice. "

16 "put down the burden, let it in the past, so that we can move on. "

17 "I know there's a better and richer life outside, and I want to live in such a world. "

18 if possible, I am willing to give up everything I can get my family intact.

19 No one can for a supply of sth. and life, so as long as alive, we must strive to.

20 the world is turning, you are just a dust, without you, the earth in turn. The reality is not in accordance with your will to change, because others will be more stronger than you. The cruelty of life can let a person be at a loss what to do, so some people all day immersed in the hesitation, not eyes to see the situation, do not want to think about all those tinny things together to create the situation.

21 and I felt very lucky, because I was never any sense of security, so I was forced to go forward, I have to do. There is no going back, when I realized that I was like, OK, I will work as hard as I possibly can, have a look what happens.

22 why should I feel sorry, this is my life. I even like to thank it, it let me in any case must go forward. I do not retreat, I can only keep efforts to move forward. Why can't I do that?"

23 I love my mother, from first to last, from first to last, although her drug although she did not care for her daughter, and I always take care of her, as if she was my child.

24 sometimes I think there is a layer of outer world, we are all in it, you can see outside, but can not go out.

25 I have to do, I have no choice.

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从前有个山庄,山庄里有个跑得特别快的小鸡,这个小鸡跑的比任何动物都快,山庄的主人经常很自豪的吹嘘他家的小鸡是跑得最快的。 后来来了一个很有钱的外国人,他对这个小鸡情有独钟非常喜欢 就对山庄的主人说了“我给你20w,你把这个小鸡卖个我 山庄的主人说:我不卖 那个外国人又说了:我给你50w,你把这个小鸡卖个我 山庄的主人很不愿意的又说了:我不卖 外国人听了之后就急了,说:你这不就是个小鸡么!我给你100w!你把它卖给我。 山庄的主人听了之后有点心动,可是又说了:我不卖 ......


中学的时候班上有个男生语文挺好的,但普通话很不好,所以每次老师都叫他朗读,练习发音。一次语文课,学习余光中的《乡愁》,他站起来了念:“小时候/乡愁是一枚小小的邮票/我在这头/母亲在那头”,他念得小心翼翼 “长大后/乡愁是一张窄窄的船票/我在这头/新娘在那头” “后来啊/乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓/我在里头。。。。。全班笑翻……原文是“后来啊乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓我在外头母亲在里头”






法官审问一名双重谋杀案的被告,“你被控告用锤子殴打你的妻子致死。”法庭下面传来一个声音,“你这个混蛋。” 这位法官又问“你还被控告用锤子殴打你的岳母致死。”法庭下面那个人又在骂,“你这个该死的混蛋。” 法官停下,对法庭下面那个人说,“先生,我可以理解你的愤怒。但请你安静,否则我会判你藐视法庭。有问题吗?“这个家伙站了起来说:“15年来,我一直住在这个混蛋的隔壁,每次我去借锤子,他都说他没有。”





